= Descendent of.
Oakes = Name of a place. Near the oak trees.
Obaleshwar = Shiva.
Ohileshwar = Shiva.
Ojas = Bright. Might. Power. Oliver = Kind. Affectionate.
Omar = First son, most high.
Omesa = Lord of the Om.
Omkar = A holy sound and letter. Omkareswar = Shiv
Omganesh = Lord Ganapathi. Omswaroop = Vishnu.
Omprakash = Holy radiance.
Oren = Ash tree.
Orlando = Renowned in the land. Variant of Roland.
= Powerful.Radiant.
Ojaswit = Powerful.Radiant.
Oluwakemi = God is protecting me.
Omganesh = Lord Ganapathi.
Omswaroop = Vishnu.
Oogharath = Son of Ooghavand.
Ooghavanth = King.
Osariemen = God has given me.
Oscar = Divine spearman.
Oudumber = Vishnu Oydin = Moonlight.
Pablo = Little. Paigan = Open Spaces. Hills. Valleys. Religion
Paige = Young child.
Pakshiraj = King of birds. Garuda.
Eagle-Vishnu's vehicle. Paladin = Fighter. Paladino = Kdnight of Carlo Magno(Charlemagne).
Pallav = Name of a dynasty. Tender leaves.
Palanisamy = Murugan. Kumaraswamy. Name of the God in Palani.
Panav = Prince.
Panduranga = Vishnu. Vittal. Paniraj = King of Cobra.
Pankaj = Lotus. Panthini = One who shows you the path.
Param = Supreme.
= A sage of highest order (Eg:Ramakrishna Paramahamsa).
Parameswar = Shiv.
Parasuram = Incarnation of Vishnu. 6th of the Dasavatharas ( 1. Matysa,
2.Kurma, 3. Varaha, 4.Narasimha, 5. Vamana, 6. Parasurama, 7. Rama,
8. Balarama, 9. Krishna & 10. Kalki.) Pardeep = Light of the home.
Parnell = Little Peter.
Partha,Paartha = Arjun.
Partha Saradhi = Krishna driving Arjuna's chariot during the famous Mahabharat battle.
Pascal = Pass over. Name of a Mathemetician.
Patanjali (Pat + Anjali) = Fallen from heaven into the open palms of a woman.
Patrick = Noble man. |
Pathak = One who reads and explains the meanings of the holy scripts to others in Temples.
Pataak = Flag. Patrik = Fatherly ruler.
Paul = Small.
Pavan = Wind. Vayu.Lord
Hanuman's father. Wind-god. Breeze.
Paxton = Traveller. Surname.
Paz = Peace.
Peadraig (Fay Dreg) = Rock.Scottish name for Peter. Peter = Small Rock.
Phaneesh = King of serpents. Phaneendra = King of serpents. Phaniraj
= King of serpents. Phelan = Wolf. Philip = Lover of horses.
Phoenix = Purple.
Phoster = Light. Illuminate.
Pillar = Pillar, fountain base.
Pio = Pious. Poornachandra = Full Moon. Poornayu = Full life. |
Poornamruth = Full of sweetness.
Prabhakar = Sun.
Praagvansh = Another name of Lord Vishnu.
Prabhat = Dawn. Sunrise Time.
Prabhav = Origin of nature.
Prabhudev = Shiv.
Pracheth = Delight.
Pradeep = Lamp.
Praful = Blooming.
Pradyumna = Name of Lord Shrikrishna's son.
Prahlad = Happiness. A great devotee ofVishnu who proved God is everywhere.
Prajapati = King. Name of Daksha.
Prakash = Light.
Pramukh = Main, Important Person.
Pran = Life.
Pranav = The sacred syllable, "OM".
Pranay = Love.
Pranjali = Outright Clear. Prapulla = Shinning. Smiling cheerfully.
Prasad = Gift.
Prasanna = Contented. Name of sage
Matanga's son. |
Prashant = Cool. Calm.Peaceful. Tranquil. Prasoon = Lotus flower.
Pratap = Brave. Hero. Prathinav = Ever new, ever young, fresh.
Praveen = Expert in every work.
Prem = Love.
Premasagar = Ocean of love.
Premanath = Lover.
Prerna = Inspiration.
Preston = Priest's Estate.
Priyam = Dearest. Beloved. Pritam = Lover. Priyesh = Loved ones.
Probal = Coral. Pruthvi = Earth
Pruthviraj = King of the earth. Emperor.
Puck = Mischevious.
Pujya = Worshipped Person.
Punyakoti = Name of a holy cow.
Puneeth = Pure. Holy.
Purandhar = Shiv. Indra.
Purushottam = Best man. Vishnu.
Pushya Raag = Topaz. |
Obinna = One after his father's heart.
Octavia = Eighth. Ojaswini
= Powerful.Bright.
Olena = Light.
Olivia = Dignity and beauty. Olive tree.
Olwen = Of the white track.
Omprabha = Radiance.Power of the
holy mantra `OM'.
Onarada = She's glad.
Oneeka = You brought joy into your father's house.
Oorvasi = An apsara.
Oormila = Name of Lakshman's wife.
= River.
Oorja = Sage's wife.
Oorjaswathi = Daughter of king Priyaravat
Mother of Devayani.
Oormi = Wave.A term in music.
Oormika = Wave.Humming of a bee. |
= Name of Lakshman's wife.
Oorna = A rishipatni.(Sage's wife).
Oorvasi = An apsara.
Oorvi = The Earth
Opal = Gem. Oralia = Golden. Oriella = Golden. Otressa = Form of thresea. Intelligent.
Owen = Young warrior.
Paarijata = Name of Lord Sri Krishna's
favorite flower.
Pacholi = Sun. Fire.
Padma, Padmaja = Goddess Lakshmi. Lotus.
Padmini = Lotus pond.
Padmapriya = One who is fond of Lotus flowers.
Padmavathi = Lakshmi. Consort of Lord Venkateswara.
Paigan = Open Spaces. Hills. Valleys. Religion
Paisley = A type of flower. Pallavi = Tender leaves. A tune.
Paloma = Dove, baby who coos.
Pamela = Honey.
Pampa = Name of a river.
Panchali,Paanchali = Pricess of Panchal. Draupadi. Common wife of
Pandavas. Pandora = Hope.
Pankaja,Pankajam = Lotus.
Pankajakshi = Lotus eyed girl.
Parameswari = Supreme Goddess. Pari = Fairy.
Paromita = Knowledge.
Parul = Practical. Beautiful. Gracious.
Parasade = Happy Fairy Child.
Parigyna = Very knowledged woman.
Parini = Fairy's (pari) daughter.
Parvathi = Shiva's wife. Eeswari. Queen
of the heavens.
Parasakti = Goddess Durga.
Patcy = Smile.
Patricia = Noble woman. Feminine form
of Patrick. A patrician.
Patti = Noble woman. Feminine form
of Patrick. A patrician.
Pattie = Noble woman. Feminine form
of Patrick. A patrician.
Pauline = Small. Short form of Paula.
Pavani = Holy. Sacred.
Pavitra = Holy.
Payal = Anklet.
Pelita = Little darling. Penda = Love.
Pepita = Name derived from Josephine.
Pholile = Cool , Calm & Collected.
Pia = Devoted to.
Pinky = Pink colour.
Pippa = Lover of horses.
Piyush = Holy water. Amruth. Phoebe = Shinning.
Pooja = Worship. Poojal = Pooja Water.
Poojitha = One who is worshipped. Poonam = Full Moon. Poornima,Pournami = Full Moon day.
Ponnu = Gold.
Pournami = Full Moon day.
Prabha = Glow. Shine. Prachi = The Eastern Horizon.
Pragati = Progress.
Pramila = Queen of a woman's kingdom. Prarthana(Prayer).
Pranathi = Another name of Goddes Saraswathi.
Prasanthi = One who is always calm and cool.
Prathima = Idol. Replica. Statue
Pratibha = Talent.
Pratima = Idol. Replica. Statue
Pratixa = To wait.
Pravalika = Puzzle.
Pravesika = Entrance.
Pravina = Clever.
Preeti = Love. Affection.
Preksha = Good viewer.
Prerna = Inspiration
Prema = Love. Affection.
Prema Latha = Creeper of love.
Prisca = Ancient.
Priscilla = Ancient.
Priya = Beloved.
Priya Darshini = Beautiful. Lovely.
Priyank = Loveable.
Priyanka = Beautiful.
Priyanshu = First ray of sunlight.
Puneetha = Pure. Holy.
Puruvi = Fulfiller. One that satiates. Eastern. A ragini.
Purvee = Fulfiller. One that satiates. A ragini.
Purvi = Eastern. Pushpa = Flower.
Pushpa Manjari = Garland. Bunch of flowers.