The Everything Baby Names Book
A chatty, opinionated book listing a huge number of unusual names and their
derivations, as well as helpful lists of the most popular names from each decade.
If you're thinking of naming your baby girl "Alonsa," it might be useful to know that
it means "ready to fight." Over 25,000 Names! Choosing A Name Can Be Fun! A name is the
first gift you'll give to your new baby, and picking the right name is probably the
most important decision you can make before the big arrival. Your baby's name has to be a
special one-one that you feel comfortable with now, and that your child can wear with pride
throughout his life. But with an overwhelming variety of options available to parents today,
this critical choice may seem more difficult than ever
The New American Dictionary of Baby Names
What's in a name? This newly updated guide, which lists practically every first name current
in the English language, will help you find out. Here are more than 10,000 boys' and girls'
names, including the top fifty from 1925 to the present. Listings are complete with information
on origins, meanings, social significance, and much more. Whether you are looking up your own
name, researching to make one of the most important choices for an expected child, or simply
browsing for pleasure, you'll find a wealth of enlightening information in this invaluable and
fun book. "The best first-name dictionary for the English-speaking world."--Choice
The Name Book : Over 10,000 Names
More than 10,000 names and the message behind them: cultural origin, literal meaning,
spiritual connotation, and a related verse of scripture. For years, The Name Book has been a
treasury of the meanings and origins of names. Now revised to include many new names and
alternative spellings, The Name Book offers up-to-the-minute information on thousands of
classic, contemporary, and biblical names. Whether you're choosing a name for a baby or finding
the meaning of your own name or that of a friend, The Name Book offers special inspiration an
invitation to live up to the full significance and spiritual application inherent in a name.
The Book of Names
This book is a collection of every remotely normal name in the Bible with its meaning.
It also has names of important Christian figures and a list of non-biblical popular names with
appropriate scripture refernces. It's interesting for finding out more about a name and is easy
to skim through for inspiration for a name with meaning for your baby.
The Greatest Baby Name Book Ever
You are making a choice for your child that will last a lifetime.
THE GREATEST BABY NAME BOOK EVER will help you with that delightful but often difficult
decision by offering the most complete, up-to-date alphabetical listings available. To help
make your choice easier, you'll find additional information.
A Concise Dictionary of First Names
This is a wonderful book, lively and enthusiastic. Unlike other name guides, it focuses on
the cultural and linguistic roots of the name, rather than the fluffily mystic (astrological
and so forth.) In addition to the original meaning of the name and variations over time, it
also lists prominent historical or mythological bearers of the name, such as saints, kings, or
heroes. The appendices, with names and their original meanings from Russian, Arabic, French,
German, and so forth, are an added bonus. If you like words, or just like to peek at the secret
roots of everyday things, buy this book. Great fun
Bible Names for Your Baby
Bible Names for your Baby was quite a blessing. It helped my husband and I pick out the
perfect biblical name for our beautiful new son. The book was very nicely organized, and it
was extremely easy to understand. We really liked the book because instead of just listing
column after column of names and meanings; the book gave you detailed information on the name
and the person that possessed it. This book truly was a blessing and made at least one part
of my pregnancy easy.
The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Names
Commonplace, melodious, or downright odd, a name can reveal some fascinating information.
It may derive from your earliest ancestor's profession (such as Smith for blacksmith) or it may
reflect specific attributes (like Andrea for "strong"). This comprehensive and thoroughly
engaging reference examines the origins and meanings of thousands of first and last names,
presented alphabetically. It also lists the 40 most popular male and female given names in the
United States since 1930; popular African, Afro-American, Chinese, French, German, Indian,
Irish, Italian, Japanese, Muslim, Russian, and Spanish given names for both boys and girls; the
1,000 most commonly found family names in the U.S. organized according to popularity; and
the top 100 family names in each of the 50 states. An indispensable encyclopedia for anyone
interested in looking up his or her name or finding one for a baby
20,001 Names for Baby by Carol McD. Wallace
Worth for the money you spend.
Reviewer: yourbabysname.com from Chennai, India.
This 409 page babynames book has very detailed meanings of names. Boys and girls names are
listed separately. Priced at less than US $ 4, this book is definitely worth its money. Do not
miss this if you want to name your new born baby. A complete, up-to-date alphabetical listing of
baby names includes each name's origin and meaning, popular nicknames, names made popular by
famous people, and fascinating facts of historical interest..A fun, informative baby name book
that lists and defines over 20,000 names in every category--regional, classical, literary,
ethnic, modern, and religious. Includes facts, figures, baby-naming trends, origins and meanings,
and information about every entry. Original. Included with 20,001 names are origins and meanings,
popular nicknames, names made popular by famous people, and fascinating facts of historical interest
35,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky
This book will help you go beyond Tom, Dick, and Harriet in your search for just the right
name for your baby. It has more than 37,500 names from 250 countries in 160 different languages,
including Names from every corner of the globe. Popular African-American names. Unique names
whose origins are distinctly American. Popular and unique alternate spellings. Traditional "
male" names used by females. Traditional surnames used as first names. Exotic names that
convey romance, adventure, and sophistication. Names popularized by movies and television.
Finding a name for your baby has never been more fun!. Bruce Lansky, the #1 name in baby
names, has written a new baby name book that is sure to become the new #1 bestseller in its category.
It features the names that parents have actually selected in the '80s and '90s for their babies.
Lansky also includes advice to help parents select an appropriate name for their baby.
African Muslim Names : Images and Identities, by Sharifa M. Zawawi
This book discusses the social and cultural significance of African Muslim names, explaining
how these are chosen for newborns in African societies and the values each represents.
A name reflects and reinforces an identity both when it is given and when it is changed.
African Muslim Names discusses the social and cultural significance of proper names. It
explains how names are chosen for newborns in African societies and the values they represent.
In these days of mounting interest in identity and culture, many Muslim Africans, African-Americans
and others wish to know the meanings of the names they choose so that they reflect their
aspirations for their children and...more
Baby Names : A New Generation,by Barbara Kay Turner
* Includes the top 100 names for girls and boys and other fun features1000's of Names with straight & convincing meanings
Reviewer: Babynames Team (babynames@vsnl.com)
from India November 7, 1999 Girls names and boys names are separately
listed with most approriate meanings. Meanings are very convincing.Each name has variants after
the meaning. Totally it is worth its value.
A Dictionary of Muslim Name
The comprehensive and authentic approach offered by this book is unparallel to any other
that I have seen. Full marks go to the author, who has included many Quranic/Arabic/Persian
muslim names for both boys and girls. This book is a must if you are a new parent, and consequently
pulling your hair out trying to think of a suitable muslim name for your newborn. Further reference
to the meaning of these names make this text a good read even for the general public. Do you
know what your name means? Certainly a book to be passed on with inhertance! --
Baby Names for the New Century/a Comprehensive, Multicultural Guide to Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby by Pamela Samuelson, Sally Bordwell, Kathleen Vyn-Glicken Contributor)
Paula Samuelson's Baby Names for the New Century offers a wide variety of names from around
the world, providing a global focus that puts Nanymka from Ghana next to Nana from Hawaii and
Nancy from the Hebrew. While sticking to mainly short descriptions (such as "master of his
domain" for Henry), Samuelson does include a vast data bank at the end of the book which
breaks names into thematically focused categories, including sports, literature, movies and
television, aeronautics, and nature. What's more, each category associates names with famous
people throughout history, allowing parents to bet on whether history can actually repeat itself.
Best Baby Name Book in the Whole Wide World by Bruce Lansky (Editor)
* over 13,001 boys' and girls' names, nicknames and variations
* origins, meanings, and famous namesakes
* the most popular names In the US. and around the world
* advice from "Dear Abby"
* 15 steps to selecting the right name for your baby
* psychological stereotypes of popular names * how to change names and famous people who did
* current baby naming trends
* fascinating facts about names
* how to make the best final decision on your baby's name!
Best Baby Names for Jewish Children by Alfred J. Kolatch
A handy trade paperback that presents thousands of appealing names from which parents can make
a suitable selection for their newborns. Each entry gives the origin and meaning of the name
and suggests one Hebrew equivalent. Includes Anglicized forms of the latest and most popular
names used in Israel. A must for prospective parents.
Beyond Charles and Diana : An Anglophile's Guide to Baby Naming by Linda Rosenkrantz, Pamela Redmond Satran (Contributor)
This book is for those with eccentric tastes who don't want something totally weird or made-up
sounding. The English use some fabulous names; hopefully this book will inspire more Americans
to follow suit.
Beyond Jennifer & Jason : An Enlightened Guide to Naming Your Baby by Linda Rosenkrantz, Pamela Redmond Satran (Contributor)
The book that revolutionized baby-naming is updated, expanded, and better than ever.
Beyond Jennifer & Jason helps parents tell the good names from the bad, the classic from
the out-of-date, and the intriguingly unusual from the downright weird.
The Last Word on First Names : The Definitive A-Z Guide to the Best and Worst in Baby Names
by America's Leading Experts by Linda Rosenkrantz, Pamela Satran (Contributor)
Baby name experts Linda Rosenkrantz and Pamela Redmond Satran's The Last Word on First Names
attempts to capture the best baby names of the '90s, with an emphasis on defining what's hip
in baby names at this moment and why. While maintaining a focus on the up-to-the-minute
popularity of particular names--Dolly is too cutesy for the postfeminist age, for example--the
book doesn't skimp on the historical background of each name presented. For parents looking to
find out how Richard has changed through the ages--once favored by kings, the name peaked in
popularity in the '50s and now returns to favor--The Last Word on First Names is the baby name
book to buy. --
15,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky
Simple and brief meanings hit the birds eye.
Reviewer: www.yourbabysname.com from Chennai, India Simple. No lengthy meanings
and lengthy origins. Bruce Lansky hits the birds eye. Lengthiest meaning is below 10 words.
Boys and girls names are separately listed. Cover page design tempts you
to go into the book. Each name has Origin, Meaning, Cross reference, famous namesake,
Variations and Nicknames. A must for parents who want to name their baby.Guidelines
for naming your baby. A list of 200 most popular names.Names used by parents
of a variety or racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, including African
American, British, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hispanic, Irish, Italian,
Japanese, Jewish, Muslim, Polish, Russian, and more.. Origins, meanings, and famous
namesakes. A helpful cross-referencing system to lead you to related or similar
names Worksheets to help you choose a name
Unusual & Most Popular Baby Names by Cleveland Kent Evans (Contributor)
An entertaining guide to popular baby names lists and ranks some one thousand
of America's favorite names, along with information on the origins and meanings of boys and
girls names, nicknames and variations, and information on famous name holders.
The New Jewish Baby Book : Names Ceremonies Customs a Guide for Today's Families by Anita Diamant
Each couple anticipating the arrival of a child is tuned into the Jewish saying that, "With each child, the world begins anew." Planning for the arrival of a newborn is filled with hope, excitement, nervousness, and profound love. Beyond these wonderful feelings are all the reality issues of how to choose a name and how to welcome this new being into the family and community. For Jewish families expecting a new arrival, Anita Diamant's "The New Jewish Baby Book" is an invaluable resource.
As someone who creates personalized birth announcements for couples who want to announce the arrival of their newborn in a special way, I am very aware of how helpful "The New Jewish Baby Book" is. I see well-used copies, with clips and markers pointing to elements that speak to the couple as they plan for their baby. Anita Diamant's in-depth descriptions and presentations of a wide range of issues help couples focus on what is important and meaningful as they prrepare for their awesome new adventure.
Particularly helpful are a myriad ideas for ritual welcoming ceremonies for both boys and girls. The Brit Millah (Covenant of Circumcision) ceremony for boys has been in use since Biblical times. There must not be a parent through the ages who hasn't agonized over this ritual. "The New Jewish Baby Book" provides a sensitive assessment of this ancient ceremony, bringing contemporary questions and issues to the discussion of circumcision in an attempt to help couples come to terms with this practice. For those anticipating having a boy, reading the section on the Brit Millah will help families understand the ceremony and know what to expect, including a checklist of items that need to be on hand. Until relatively recently, there was no official ceremony to welcome a girl into the Jewish community. "The New Jewish Baby Book" was one of the first resources published to provide ideas, prayers, blessings, and readings for a Brit Bat (Covenant for a Daughter) ceremony. For this, Anita Diamant is to be commended.
In addition to enhancing traditional ceremonies with contemporary prayers, "The New Jewish Baby Book" suggests other ways of beautifying the arrival of a new born, whether with hand-crafted ritual objects or with a unique and personalized birth announcement with a Jewish look. The book also addresses the reality of an increased intermarriage rate in modern times, raising common concerns when some family members are unfamiliar with Jewish ritual and practice. Also addressed are adoption issues, ways to include extended family members in the welcoming of a new born, and genetic diseases for which Jewish couples should be tested and aware of. All of these issues are discussed with Anita's usual thoroughness, sensitivity and compassion
The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names by Stelman Smith
I have the opportunity to review this one of its kind Exhaustive dictionary of Bible Names. If you are looking for the best dictionary to know the real meanings of bible names this is it!
My Very Own Name
"My Very Own Name" is a personalized book that is a perfect newborn gift, holiday or birthday gift for children ages 0-6. This hardcover book is beautifully illustrated and it is different for each child. Entertaining animals bring letters to create the child's first and last names. At the end, there's an illustrated encyclopedia of 53 animals. It's a keepsake that will be enjoyed for years !!!
The Complete Book of Hebrew Baby Names by Smadar Shir Sidi
I have to confess right up front that I have a "thing" for names. Therefore, I own lots and lots of "name your baby" books. For naming your Jewish baby, this book is the best! The list of names is extensive with lots of uncommon (here in the States) choices. The book provides the Hebrew spelling as well as the English spelling. There also is a rating system showing the name's popularity in the U.S. and in Israel. If you're looking for a name for your Jewish baby and you want to go beyond the usual Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Jacob, etc., you need this book!
Proud Heritage : 11,001 Names for Your African-American Baby by Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd
The first and only book of its kind--popular names, traditional names, African Names, names of famous African-Americans.
Collected here for the first time is the most complete and comprehensive assortment of names to choose from when it comes to picking the perfect name for your newborn. Whether you are interested in the familiar or the unique and unusual, reflecting the influence of the European and American cultures or celebrating the rich roots of African ancestors, here are over 11,000 selections, including origens and historical information. Names to instill pride and self-esteem in every beautiful, beloved new child.
Celtic Names for Children by Loreto Todd
Ms. Todd brings us an assortment of 2,000 Celtic names from six Celtic countries/regions, including Cornwall and Brittany. All entries are cross-referenced and include variants of spelling and pronunciation guides. Commentary includes the names in myth, as well as regional popularity of the names. Writers of historical fiction and historical romance will find this book to be a handy, well organized resource
e book
All Those Wonderful Names [DOWNLOAD: ADOBE READER] by J.N. Hook
Ever wonder what the most popular and unpopular baby names are? And how certain people and places got their names? Or are you just looking for guidance in choosing your child?s name? ALL THOSE WONDERFUL NAMES is an amusing exploration of names, familiar words, phrases, and the stories behind their origins. From the common to the confounding, this book has it all. Hear the true stories behind the naming of tropical storms, cars, fictitious characters, major league baseball teams, and more. Find out the real names of celebrities, such as Elton John, Cher, Rip Torn, Cary Grant, Liberace, and Conway Twitty. Discover counties, towns, and cities with strange names like Difficult, Tennessee; Jiggs, Nevada; Virgin, Utah; and Bosom, Wyoming. Learn unusual names for newborns and perhaps the origin of your own surname as well.
e book