= Rich protector. Prosperous protector.
Earl = Nobleman.
Earon = From the river town.
Eash = Shiva.
Eashan = Shiva.
Eashana = One of the five faces of Shiva.Name of a heaven.
Eashwar = Shiva.
Eben = Stone.
Ebenzer = Stone of help. Eberhard,Eberhart = Strong as a boar.
Ebhanan = Elephant faced.Ganapati. Ecchit = Desired.
Ecchvaku = A king. Edan
= Fiery.
Eddie = A familiar form of Edgar.
Eden = Paradise. Delight. Gentle.
Edeņi (ee DEN yii) = Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent.
Edgar = Successful Spearman. Fortunate spearman.
Edison = Edward's son.
Edmond = Prosperous Protector.
Edmund = Rich protector. Prosperous protector.
Edric = Prosperous ruler.
Edsel = Of the rich man's estate.
Edward = Prosperous guardian.
Edwin = Rich friend.
Efron = Bird.
Egan = Ardent.
Egbert = Shining sword.
Egerton = From the hilltop town.
Einar = Chief. |
=Dronacharya's disciple who gave his thumb as Gurudakshina (fees).Competitor
for Arjuna. Good Archer.
Ekamaranth = Diety of Shiva at kanchi. Ekamber = Shiva.
Ekath = Sage.
Ekaveer = A king.
Ekendra = Shiva.
Ekoram = One of the five acharyas. Ekshudhanva = Good bowman.
Elayaraj = King of the Earth.Emperor. Elbert = Noble and Brilliant.
Bright. Elden = From the elf valley.
Eldridge = Wise ruler.
Eleazar = Whom God hath helped. . |
= King.
Elgan = Bright circle.
Eli = The highest.
Elias = Jehovah is my God.
Elihu = Jehovah is my God.
Elijah = Jehovah is my God.
Elisabet = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elisha = The Lord is my salvation. Eliza = My God is bountiful.
God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabel = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabet = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabeth = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabetta = My God is bountiful.
God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elkan = Belonging to God. Ellard = Noble.Brave.
Ellery = From the alder tree island.
Elliot = Jehovah is my God.
Elliott = My God is Jehovah.
Ellis = Jehovah is my God.
Ellison = Son of Ellis.
Ellwood = From the old forest.
Elmer = Noble and famous.
Elmo = Divine helmet.
Elroy = The king.
Elston = Nobleman's town.
Elsworth = Nobleman's eastate.
Elton = From the old town.
Elvis = All wise.
Elwin = The elves' friend.
Elwood = Forest dweller.
Elyza = My God is bountiful. God of plenty. Elizabeth Emerson =
Son of Emery.
Emery = Industrious leader.
Emil = Competitor. Industrious.
Emilio = Winner, Flatterer.
Emmanuel = God with us.
Emmett = Truth.
Emwan = Wisdom. Knowledge.
Enakulesh = A king.Sriram.
Englebert = Bright angel.
Enoch = Dedicated. Consecrated.
Enos = Man. Enrico = Mighty & Powerful.
Ephraim = Fruitful.
Erasmus = Lovable.
Erastus = Beloved.
Eravanth = Son of Arjuna and Uloopi. Erhard = Firm resolve.
Eric = Ever powerful. Kingly. Ruler.
Erick = Ruler. Ever Kingly.
Erik = Always powerful.
Erin = Poetic name for Ireland. Peace. Ernest = Earnest. Serious-minded.
Eroth = Psychic. Intelligent.
Errol = Nobleman.
Erskine = From the cliff heights. Ervin = = Handsome. Fair.
Erwin = Handsome. Fair.
Esai Selvan = Musician. Eshkol = Grape cluster.
Eshwar = Shiva,God.
Eshwara chandra = Shiva adorned by chandra(moon).
Esmond = Gracious protector.
Estes = From the east. |
Ethan = Firm. Strong. Enduring.Overflowing.A famous wise man of Israel.
Etienne = Another name for Stephen. Euclid = For the Greek Mathematician.
Eugene = Well born.
Eustace = Rich in corn. Fruitful.
Evan = Young warrior.
Evelyn = Pleasant.
Everett = Strong as a boar.
Ewan = Well born.
Ewin = Friend of the law.
Eyal = Stag.
Ezekiel = God will strengten.
Ezer = Help.
Ezra = Helper.
Fabian = Bean grower.
Fadil = Generous.
Fairfax = Fair-haired.
Faiz = Gift. Endownment.
Falak = The sky.
Falynn = Grand Child of the ruler.
Faraji = Consolation.
Farha = Happiness.
Farid = Happiness.
Farley = From the sheep meadow. Farnham = From the fern field.
Farrell = Valorous.
Fateh = Victory.
Fatik = Crystal.
Faulkner = Falconer.
Felipe = Lover of horses.
Felix = Fortunate.
Felton = From the estate in the fields.
Fenton = From the marshland estate.
Feodor,Fyodor = Gift of God.
Ferdinand = Advernturesome. Strong. Daring.
Fergus = Strong man.
Fernando = A form of Ferdinand.
Ferris = The rock.
Fidel = Faithful, Sincere.
Fielding = From the field.
Filbert = Brilliant one.
Filmore = Famous one.
Finlay = Fair hero. Fair-haired soilder.
Firdus = Paradise.
Firman = Traveler.
Firoze = Turquoise.
Fitzgerald = Son of Gerald.
Fitzhugh = Son of Hugh.
Fitzpatrick = Son of Patrick.
Fitzroy = Son of the king.
Fleming = Flemish.
Fletcher = Arror featherer
Flint = Stream.
Florian = Blooming.
Floyd = Grey-haired.
Flynn = Son of the red-haired man. Forbes =
Ford = River crossing.
Forrest = Forest. Forest dweller. Forrestor = Forest protector.
Fortune = Luck.
Foster = Forest. Forest dweller.
Fowler = Gamekeeper.
Frances = Free.
Francis = Frenchman. Free man. Franco = Free.
Frank = Frenchman.
Franklin = Freeholder.
Franz = Frenchman.
Fraser = Surname.
Frazer = Curly-haired.
Fred = Peaceful ruler.
Frederick = Peaceful ruler.
Freeland = From the free land.
Freeman = Free man.
Freemont = Protector of freedom.
Fritz = Peaceful ruler.
Fulki = Spark.
Fuller = Cloth worker.
Fulton = From the farm town.
Fyyaz = Artistic |
= Noblewoman.
Eartha = The earth
Eashaa = Desire.Durga.
Eashana = Desire.
Eashani = Goddess Parvathi.
Eashanye = The diety who looks after the direction Eashanya(East).
= Wanted.Superiority.
Eashtadevata = Favourite diety.
Eashwari = Goddess Parvathi.
Easter = From the holiday Easter.
Ebbani = Dew drops.
Ebony = From the black wood of India and Ceylon. |
= Desire.
Ecchita = Wanted.
Ecchumati = River.
Echo = The nymph who loved Narcissus.
Edaņa (e DA nya) = Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent.
Eden = Delight.
Edith = Rich gift.
Edlyn = Noble one.
Edmunda = Feminine of Edmund. Edna = Rejuvenation.
Edorņa (e DOOR nyae) = Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent.
Edra = Powerful.
Edrie = Powerful.
Edwarda = Feminine of Edward. Edwina = Feminine of Edwin.
Eeswari = Another name of Lalithamba.
Efimia = Happiness.
Efrona = Feminine of Efron.
Egberta = Feminine of Egbert. Eglantine = Wild rose.
Eileen = Variant of Helen. Eirean = Silver.
Ekananga = Krishna's sister.Yashoda's daughter.
Ekapatala = Sister of Parvathi.Wife of sage Jaigeesghavya.
Ekatha = Unity.
Ekavali = A necklace.Daughter of king Raibhya. |
Ekoparna = Sister of Parvathi.Wife of sage Asita. Ela = Earth
Ela Devi = Earth
Elana = Oak Tree. Elaine = A form of Helen.
Elba = For the island off the coast of Italy. Elodra = Golden. Glided.
Eldrida = Wise counselor.
Eleanore = Light.
Electra = Shining one.
Elena = Bright girl.
Eleni = Torch, Light.
Eliana = God's answer.
Eleni = Torch, Light.
Eliora = God is my light.
Elisa = Dedicated to God.
Elise = Another form of Elizabeth.
Elissa = Beautiful. Regal. In control.
Elizabeth = Consecrated to God.
Ella = Light. Short form of Eleanor and Ellen. All. Ellen = Light.
Variant of Helen (Shining Light)
Ellice = Feminine of Elias or Ellis. Ellie = Beauty.
Elma = Feminine of Elmo. Eloise = Variant of Louise.
Elsa = Consecrated to God.
Elvira = Elfin.
Elvisa = Feminine of Elvis.
Elysia = Place where happy souls dwell. Mythical place after death for heros.
Emani = Trust worthy.
Emerald = From the gem emerald.
Emily = Industrious. Striving. Artistic.
Emina = Distinguished.
Emly = Industrious. Striving.
Ema = Short form of Emily. Flatterer. Industrious. Feminine form
of Emil.
Emma = Whole. Complete. Short form of Emily. Flatterer. Industrious.
Feminine form of Emil
Emmanuela = Feminine of Emmanuel. Emmy = Flatterer.
Emelyn = Combination of Emma + Lynn.
Emuna = Faith.
Enam = God's gift.
Endora = Fountain.
Enid = Pure.
Enrica = Feminine of Enrico.
Eona = Female version of Ian
Erica = Brave. Ever powerful. Victorious. Ruler forever. Femine of Eric.
Erika = Brave ruler. Ruler of all.
Erin = Poetic name for Ireland. Peace. Old name for Ireland
Erina = From Ireland.
Erma = Strong.
Ernestine = Feminine of Ernest.
Esha = Aspiration. Desire. Want.
Eshtartha = Desired.
Esinam = God has heard my cry.
Esme = Emerald. Esteemed.
Estelle = Star
Esther = Star
Ethaniel = A mothers light and sun.
Ethel = Noble.
Etta = Star.
Eudocia = Respected.
Eudora = Generous gift.
Eugenia = Well born.
Eulalia = Fair of speech.
Eunice = Joyful. Victorious.
Euphemia = Of good reputation.
Euphrata = From the river Euphrates.
Europa = From the continent of Europe.
Eurydice = The wife of Orpheus.
Eustacia = Feminine of Eustace.
Euxina = From the Euxine. Black. Sea.
Eva = Lifegiving.
Evandne = Fortunate.
Evelyn = Hazel nut.